Free ACAS based helpline for UK employers

Build confidence in your HR decisions and reduce risk with our certified advisors

Plantinum Feefo Trusted Service Award

Why thousands of business owners trust us...

I got the fuss free advice I needed within minutes. This advice line really cuts the red tape for business owners!

Reduce your risk with expert employment law advice

Get instant answers to any employee management problem when you speak to our certified HR advisors. From holiday pay to disciplinaries, we’ve got you covered. 24/7.

Our team of qualified legal advisors are on hand to give you clear and accurate acas code based advice – so you can reduce your risk and protect your business.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about being hit with high-priced solicitor fees, either. Because our advice is completely free and without obligation.

Get answers to your HR queries – fast

Our team of trained employment law experts are ready to answer your questions—no matter how complex they are.

Call for fast advice based on the ACAS code on issues such as:

  • Disciplinaries
  • Grievances
  • Sickness and holidays
  • Maternity

And so much more…

Plus, as all our advice is based on the latest UK employment law, you can be 100% confident that it’s accurate and up to date.

Protect your business with trusted support

With over 30 years’ experience, Bright Business Support is well-known for its trusted and expert advice.

We’ve helped thousands of employers comply with employment law regulations and avoid costly legal claims. And we can do the same for you, too.

Plus, with us, you don’t have to worry about being bombarded with complex legal jargon. Because our advice is always clear, practical and jargon-free.

So don’t leave it a minute longer. Call our experts today to get free dismissal advice for your business.

Book your FREE advice call today

Whether you have a quick question or you’re facing a legal dispute, there’s no employment issue that’s too big or too small.

Because either way, our experts can save you hours of time – and potentially thousands in legal costs. For practical advice in plain English, you can request a call back below.