Free employment law advice for employers

Get expert advice that’s perfectly tailored to your business - without the costly price tag.

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Why thousands of business owners trust us...

I found the team really easy to talk to and thought the advice was really clear and straightforward. I liked that the advice was geared towards employers, as well.

Expert employment law support – whenever you need it

Got a tricky HR dilemma that you need solving fast? Look no further than Bright Business Support.

It’s a free advice line that offers small business owners like you expert employment law advice. And it’s entirely free and without obligation.

So, forget being charged £250+ per hour by your local high-street solicitor. Instead, call our team of friendly advisors for clear and reliable advice—that doesn’t cost you a penny.

Advice that’s perfectly tailored to your business

Struggling to get your head around maternity pay? Losing sleep over a nightmare employee? Or seriously considering making redundancies?

No matter what employment law issue you’re facing, we’re here to help guide you through it.

Simply call one of our legal experts today to get clear, jargon-free advice. And don’t worry, as all our advice is based on the ACAS Code of Practice, it’s always accurate, up-to-date and in line with the law.

Trusted by businesses all over the UK

For the last 30+ years, Bright Business Support has helped thousands of small businesses overcome their HR challenges.

And as we only offer support to employers and business owners like you, you can feel confident that we have your best interests at heart.

So don’t wait another minute. Call our friendly experts today to get free employment law advice for your business.

Book your FREE advice call today

Whether you have a quick question or you’re facing a legal dispute, there’s no employment issue that’s too big or too small.

Because either way, our experts can save you hours of time – and potentially thousands in legal costs. For practical advice in plain English, you can request a call back below.